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Author Guidelines

Article Types | Structure | Language and Text | Data and Symbols | Figures and Tables | References

Please follow these guidelines when preparing your manuscript for submission. Failure to do so will lead to the article being rejected.

Article Types

  • Research papers (50,000 characters max.) display the outcomes of unpublished original research. These papers should make a substantial contribution to knowledge and understanding in the subject matter covered by GENEALOGY+CRITIQUE (G+C). Research papers undergo a double-anonymous peer review, meaning that authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the entire review process.
  • Review articles (40,000 characters max.) reflect upon or critique a specific happening such as the release of a major study or other notable occurrences related to G+C's focus. These occurrences might be scholarly publications and conferences or aesthetic reflections in the form of novels, catalogues, exhibitions, documentaries, or performances. Review articles undergo an open peer review, where the contributions are reviewed by members of the editorial team.
  • Interviews (40,000 characters max.) cover topics such as historiographic findings, current controversies, or methodological debates among scholars in the field. Authors interested in submitting an interview should approach the editorial team via the contact page. Interviews undergo an open peer review, where the contributions are reviewed by members of the editorial team.
  • Editorials (40,000 characters max.) introduce G+C's Special Collections and are prepared by the journal's editors or by invited guest editors. If you are interested in publishing a Special Collection with G+C, please get in touch using the contact page. Editorials undergo an open peer review, where the contributions are reviewed by members of the editorial team.

All character limits include spaces, notes, and bibliography.


Title Page

To ensure anonymous peer review, please only list the title (no more than 100 characters) and abstract on the submitted manuscript file. The names of all authors, their affiliations, contact details, short biography (optional), and corresponding author details must be stated online as part of the submission process. Author names should include a forename and a surname. Forenames must be written out and not mere initials. The affiliation should ideally include the author's department, institution, city, and country (but only institution and country are mandatory).

Abstract and Keywords

An English abstract (150 words max.) is required for all contributions. The abstract summarizes the article's main arguments and conclusions. It must have the heading "Abstract" and be clearly differentiated from the start of the main text. A list of four to six English keywords (all lower case apart from names) should be placed below the abstract. The abstract and keywords must also be added to the metadata during the online submission process.

Main Text

The text must be structured in a logical, transparent, and intelligible manner. A clear introductory section should provide all interested scholars with an understanding of the publication and a background of the issues involved. All articles should include subheadings that clarify the paper's structure (not more than 100 characters and only first-order numbered as 1., 2., 3., etc., with the first number at the beginning of the text and the last one for the closing chapter).

Authors' Contributions

In coauthored articles, a short paragraph detailing each author's contribution to the authorship of the submission must be added after the main text.

Competing Interests

If any of the authors have competing interests, then these must be declared. A short paragraph should be placed before the bibliography. Guidelines for competing interests can be found here. If there are no competing interests to declare, the following statement is required: "The author(s) declare(s) that they have no competing interests."

Funding Information

If research for the article has been funded by a grant, the grant provider and the grant number should be noted in the Acknowledgements section.


Any acknowledgements can be made in a separate paragraph, after the main text but before the bibliography.

Ethics and Consent

Research involving human subjects, human material, or human data must have been conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Where applicable, studies must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee and the authors should include a statement within the article text detailing this approval, including the name of the ethics committee and reference number of the approval. The identity of the research subject(s) should be anonymized whenever possible. For research involving human subjects, informed consent to participate in the study must be obtained from participants (or their legal guardian).

Language and Text


Pursuing a decidedly multilingual approach, G+C welcomes articles written in English, German, or French. For submissions in English, authors can choose between American and British spellings and grammar rules as long as they are used consistently throughout the whole manuscript. For German submissions, please use the rules according to the latest orthography reform.


G+C strongly encourages authors to prepare their manuscripts in jargon-free, plain, clear, and concise language in order to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue.

Quotes and Apostrophes

Use straight "double quotation marks" except for quotes within quotes, in which case straight 'single quotation marks' should be used. Longer quotations (approx. more than three lines) must be typeset without quotation marks in an indented paragraph separate from the main text. Standard roman, i.e., non-italicized, font must be used for all quotes.

The source of the quote must be clear from the text and/or citation. Citations from copyrighted material may require permissions from the rights holder(s). The obligation to research and obtain such permissions lies with the submitting author(s).

Use only straight, unformatted quotation marks ("double" and 'single') and apostrophes (e.g., Nietzsche's) throughout the text (incl. notes and bibliography).


All notes must be formatted as footnotes; endnotes are not permitted. Use footnotes where crucial clarifying information is to be conveyed. Please restrict additional footnote information to a minimum. Do not shift longer quotations or scholarly debates into the notes: if they are necessary for your argument, discuss them in the main text; if not, leave them out. Please insert the superscripted number after the quotation marks if referring to source material or after the end punctuation if referring to a whole sentence. When discussing specific concepts or theoretical terms, the note marker can also be inserted after single words.

Capitalization (in English texts)

Both for the submission title and the headings within the main text, capitalize all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions (i.e., as, because, although). Use lowercase for all articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions (e.g., On the Genealogy of Morality).


The font used should be commonly available and in an easily readable format (e.g., Arial or Times New Roman, 12-point font size, left-justified without hyphenation, 1.5 line spacing).


Do not use underlined or bold text. Italics are possible but should be used very sparsely.


For nonhierarchical or unordered lists, use bullet points. If the list represents a specific sequence, use numbering. Lists should be used sparingly.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

If abbreviations are used, ensure and double-check that all readers are able to follow them. Spell out almost all acronyms on first use, indicating the acronym in parentheses immediately thereafter. Use the acronym for all subsequent references (e.g., "The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) publishes…"). Abbreviations should be in capital letters without full stops (i.e., USA, not U.S.A.). Some common abbreviations (e.g., i.e., etc.) do not follow this rule; they should be in lower case and can include full stops.

Data and Symbols

Ellipses and Dashes

To mark omissions within quotations, authors should use square brackets with an ellipsis […]; to mark the omission of single characters at the end of a word, square brackets and an en dash should be employed [–]. Dashes can also be used to denote emphasis, a change of thought, or interruption to the main sentence and can replace commas, parentheses, colons, or semicolons. In this case, format dashes as em dashes—without spaces—in English texts and as en dashes – with spaces – in German or French texts. En dashes (without spaces) should be used for inclusive ranges (e.g., pp. 20–24, 1926–1984).


The numbers zero to twelve should be spelled out. Please use figures for numbers 13 or higher. Authors may use either words or figures to represent large whole figures (e.g., one million or 1,000,000) as long as usage is consistent throughout the text. If a sentence starts with a number, it must be spelled out (except for year dates).

Figures and Tables


Figures, including graphs and diagrams, must be presented professionally and clearly. Their function is to strengthen the argument or illustrate the article substantially. The authors are responsible for clearing permissions and copyright issues. If a figure is not easy to understand or does not appear to be of a suitable quality, the editor may ask for it to be re-rendered or omitted entirely. All figures must be cited within the main text in consecutive order using Arabic numerals (i.e., Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). Each figure must have an accompanying descriptive caption that clearly and concisely summarizes its content and/or purpose. Figure titles and legends should be placed within the text document after the paragraph of their first citation. The source of the image must be included, along with any relevant copyright information and a statement of authorization (if needed).

NOTE: All figures must be uploaded separately as supplementary files during the submission process, if possible in color and at a resolution of at least 300dpi. Maximum file size: 20MB. Accepted formats: JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, EPS. For line drawings, please provide the original vector file (e.g., .ai, .eps).


Tables must be created using a word processor's table function, not tabbed text. Tables should be included in the manuscript. The final layout will place the tables as close to their first citation as possible. All tables must be cited within the main text, numbered with Arabic numerals in consecutive order (i.e., Tab. 1, Tab. 2, etc.). Each table must have an accompanying caption that clearly and concisely summarizes its content and/or purpose. The table title and legend should be placed underneath the table. Tables should not include: rotated text; color to denote meaning (it will not display the same on all devices); images; vertical or diagonal lines; multiple parts (e.g., Table 1a and Table 1b)—these should either be merged into one table, or separated into Table 1 and Table 2.

NOTE: If there are more columns than can fit on a single page, then the table will be placed horizontally on the page. If it still can't fit horizontally on a page, the table will be split in two.


G+C employs the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). Authors may choose between the CMS's author-date system and the CMS's notes-and-bibliography system (without ibid.). The whole article must follow either the former or the latter system. Either way, all articles must include a bibliography at the end, with all references listed in alphabetical order according to the authors' last name. For the accurate composition of the references and the bibliography, authors must follow the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style. Please make sure that all your citations conform exactly and consistently to the CMS's standards. Articles with divergent citation styles or sloppy referencing will be rejected. Please also note that the bibliography is included in the total character count (50,000 characters max. for research articles, 40,000 max. for all other article types).