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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The peer-reviewed, open-access journal GENEALOGY+CRITIQUE (G+C) publishes research in critical genealogy and critical theory in English, German, and French. It focuses on combining historical analysis and theory formation in plain and concise language. Pursuing an interdisciplinary approach, the journal welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions from scholars in the humanities and the social sciences.

G+C aims at:

  • analyzing contemporary social, ethical, political, cultural, juridical, economic, technological, communication, and media phenomena and transformations from historical-genealogical and/or critical theory perspectives;
  • cross-fertilizing critical genealogy and critical theory;
  • exploring the critical potentials of genealogical methods;
  • fostering dialogue between various schools of critical inquiry such as Marxism, the Frankfurt School, phenomenology, poststructuralism, and deconstruction;
  • confronting genealogical research and scholarship in critical theory with more current approaches in, for example, cultural and media studies, digital humanities and design research, science and technology studies, as well as postcolonial, gender, race, and antisemitism studies.

Publication Cycle

The journal is published as a continuous volume and issue throughout the year. Articles go online as soon as they are ready to avoid unnecessary delays in making knowledge publicly available. Special Collections of articles are published as part of the normal volumes, but also on separate web pages. The editorial and peer review processes for the associated contributions are the same as with all other articles (see the Journal Policies). Guest editors are invited to propose Special Collections via the contact page.

Peer Review Process

All submissions are initially evaluated by the editors, who decide whether the article is suitable for peer review. Submissions considered eligible for peer review are assigned to experts who assess the article for originality, sound methodology, argumentative as well as stylistic clarity, and accuracy of bibliographic information.

For research papers, the journal operates a double-anonymous peer review, meaning that authors and reviewers remain unidentified throughout the whole review process. For review articles, interviews, and editorials, an open peer review is applied where the contributions are reviewed by members of the editorial team. If the authors are part of the editorial team, they are excluded from the review process.

The review process is expected to take eight to twelve weeks. Based on the peer reviews, the editors will recommend minor or major revisions to the author(s), accept the article in its submitted form, or reject the contribution. Overall editorial responsibility rests with the journal's editors, who are supported by an expert, international Advisory Board. On average, one third of the submitted articles are accepted for publication (usually after several revisions).

For more information on the peer-review process, see the Journal Policies.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The authors of published articles remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to a Creative Commons license agreement. One of the benefits of open-access publishing lies in others being able to reuse material. The scientific community, but also society at large profits when people are free to redistribute scholarship and to create derivative works. This is why we apply the CC BY 4.0 license, under which others may reuse your work on condition that they cite you.

G+C is published by the Open Library of Humanities (OLH). Unlike many open-access publishers, the OLH does not charge any author fees. This does not mean that we do not have costs. Instead, our costs are paid by an international library consortium. If your institution does not currently support the platform, we request that you ask your librarian to sign up. The OLH is extremely cost-effective and is a nonprofit organization. However, while we cannot function without financial support and we encourage universities to sign up, institutional commitment is not required to publish with us.

Archiving and Indexing

G+C has robust and ongoing indexing and archiving as with all OLH journals, which includes listings with services such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Sherpa Romeo, and EBSCO Information Services, and archiving with CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, and Portico. For full information, please see OLH's Publisher Policies.


The journal was founded in 2015. Originally published as Le foucaldien, it relaunched as GENEALOGY+CRITIQUE (G+C) in early 2022. The journal harks back to the academic weblog foucaultblog, which was founded by a group of humanities scholars at the University of Zurich in 2013. This blog soon established itself as a respected research platform, publishing reviewed open-access articles, organizing international workshops and conferences, and editing special issues. The peer-reviewed, open-access journal was then launched to professionalize the publication process and make the contributions digitally sustainable. The relaunch of both the journal and the blog in 2022 broadened the scope by explicitly including various approaches of genealogical research and critical theory formation.